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Wonder Makers Manufacturing

View various bulk sampling kits for testing for asbestos & mold. Same day & special shipping available. Also see instructional videos for sampling.

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Forensic Restoration Textbook

sku Product SKU:  84

Forensic Restoration: Procedures to Protect Specialists and Occupants textbook is designed to provide the details that are describe in the Restoration Industry Association (RIA) Forensic Guidelines. 

This textbook is intended for individuals who conduct the following types of Forensic activities including but not limited to:

• Crime and trauma situations                          • Bio-terrorism

• Unattended deaths                                        • Tear gas/CS gas/irritants

• Unsanitary dwellings                                    • Illicit drug labs and grow operations

8 ½ x 11”, Spiral Bound, 150 pages

Free UPS ground shipping for US orders. Handling fee of $3.00 is included in the price. For expedited or international orders, please call 1-888-382-4154 to order. International customer is responsible for shipping, taxes and fees.

USD 135.0000


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Shipping - Orders will be shipped within 1 business day of order.  Products are shipped out only on business days.  We offer standard ground and expedited UPS shipping options within the US.

Returns - Unopened items can be returned within 14 days subject to a 15% restocking fee.  Return shipment costs are the responsibility of the customer.

Refunds - Retuned items will be refunded within 2 days of receiving item unopened in original shipping packaging.  

For international orders or special shipping, please email or call 269-382-4154.  Customer is responsible for all  taxes & fees.

Click here for asbestos sampling instructional videos.